The Society plans several field trips that run during those months that have the best weather for collecting material safely throughout the year.
We are also members of a Field Trip Cooperative that is comprised of 8 of our sister clubs where each club hosts at least one field trip where all members of good standing from each club can take part in.
Field trips are one of the many benefits available only oto members, so details and specifics are disclosed in our “Members Only” areas.
Members wanting to attend trips MUST RVSP with the designated field trip leader in advance – such details will be provided for each trip in the “Members Only” areas.

Below are the SMS field trips for 2022.
These do NOT include the CO-OP field trips.
• June 25-26: SMS/CO-OP Field Trip: Fallon, NV and Middlegate NV
• July 23: SMS Field Trip: Crystal Peak – Verdi, CA
• Sept 16-18: SMS Field Trip: Clear Creek, CA & Serpentine ACEC Area

If you have any suggestions for a field trip or want to volunteer to coordinate a trip let us know!